Saturday, May 19, 2007


I would like to welcome and thank everyone who is going to comment on my new blog. Your words are well appreciated. Enjoy your time. Thanks again.

Your friend

Fatima Al-Mogaibel

My Work

I am an English supervisor who worked in the Eastern province in Saudi Arabia. Our office is in Qatif Zone. I worked with a great team. They are innovative and working hard toward progress. Our office got the price of Prince Mohammed bin Fahad ( the prince of the Eastern Province) for best work twice in 2005 and 2006.

The environment of my work helped me to improve my ability of implementing new ideas in teaching and training. I have written a book about Phonetics to help my teachers and my students improve their language.I have attended many courses in different subjects such as Effective Learning. I have recently finished giving a training course about Creative Thinking.

MY Usage of Technology

Using Technology can be implemented in all life styles. Searching the net is the most valuable tool in order to improve your ability of applying new techniques. Being one participant of an eager team I have ever met helped and motivated me to learn a lot of things during March and April 2007 such as webquest, blogs, chat, searching engine, wiki, moodle…..ect. ICT tools enhanced my information of using technology.

My favourite sites

I have found thousands of important sites, but I will focus on the most intersting ones which are

موسوعة الأعجاز العلمي في القران والسنة
القرآن الكريم بصوت جميع المقراين
Educational Games
Educational Games
Vocabulary Teaching
Teaching Methods
Creative Thinking Techniques
مندى الفراشة
منتدى نواعم